Source code for banterbot.handlers.speech_synthesis_handler

import logging
import threading
import time
from typing import Generator, Optional

import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
import numba as nb

from banterbot.models.phrase import Phrase
from banterbot.models.word import Word
from banterbot.utils.closeable_queue import CloseableQueue

[docs] class SpeechSynthesisHandler: """ A single-use class that handles the speech synthesis process. It is typically returned by the `speak` method of the `SpeechSynthesisService` class. It can be iterated over to yield the words as they are synthesized. It can also be closed to stop the speech synthesis process. """ def __init__(self, phrases: list[Phrase], synthesizer: speechsdk.SpeechSynthesizer, queue: CloseableQueue) -> None: """ Initializes a `SpeechSynthesisHandler` instance. Args: synthesizer (speechsdk.SpeechSynthesizer): The speech synthesizer to use for speech synthesis. queue (CloseableQueue): The queue to use for storing the words as they are synthesized. """ self._synthesizer = synthesizer self._queue = queue self._iterating = False self._iterating_lock = threading.Lock() # Convert the phrases into SSML self._ssml = self._phrases_to_ssml(phrases) def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Word, None, None]: """ Iterates over the words as they are synthesized, yielding each word as it is synthesized. Args: phrases (list[Phrase]): The phrases to be synthesized. Yields: Generator[Word, None, None]: The words as they are synthesized. """ with self._iterating_lock: if self._iterating: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot iterate over an already iterating instance of class `SpeechSynthesisHandler`" ) self._iterating = True # Start synthesizing. self._synthesizer.start_speaking_ssml_async(self._ssml) logging.debug("SpeechSynthesisHandler synthesizer started") # Process the words as they are synthesized. for item in self._queue: # Determine if a delay is needed to match the word's offset. dt = 1e-9 * (item["time"] - time.perf_counter_ns()) # If a delay is needed, wait for the specified time. time.sleep(dt if dt >= 0 else 0) # Yield the word. yield item["word"] logging.debug(f"SpeechSynthesisHandler yielded word: `{item['word']}`") self._synthesizer.stop_speaking_async() @staticmethod @nb.njit(cache=True) def _jit_phrases_to_ssml( texts: list[Optional[str]], short_names: list[Optional[str]], pitches: list[Optional[str]], rates: list[Optional[str]], styles: list[Optional[str]], styledegrees: list[Optional[str]], emphases: list[Optional[str]], ) -> str: """ Creates a more advanced SSML string from the specified list of `Phrase` instances, that customizes the emphasis, style, pitch, and rate of speech on a sub-sentence level, including pitch contouring between phrases. Uses Numba to speed up the process. Args: texts (list[Optional[str]]): The texts to be synthesized. short_names (list[Optional[str]]): The short names of the voices to use for each phrase. pitches (list[Optional[str]]): The pitches to use for each phrase. rates (list[Optional[str]]): The rates to use for each phrase. styles (list[Optional[str]]): The styles to use for each phrase. styledegrees (list[Optional[str]]): The style degrees to use for each phrase. emphases (list[Optional[str]]): The emphases to use for each phrase. Returns: str: The SSML string. """ # Start the SSML string with the required header ssml = ( '<speak version="1.0" ' 'xmlns="" ' 'xmlns:mstts="" ' 'xml:lang="en-US">' ) # Iterate over the phrases and add the SSML tags for n, (text, short_name, pitch, rate, style, styledegree, emphasis) in enumerate( zip(texts, short_names, pitches, rates, styles, styledegrees, emphases) ): # Add contour only if there is a pitch transition if pitch: if n < len(pitches) - 1 and pitches[n + 1] and pitch != pitches[n + 1]: # Set the contour to begin transition at 50% of the current phrase to match the pitch of the next one. pitch = ' contour="(50%,' + pitch + ") (80%," + pitches[n + 1] + ')"' else: pitch = ' pitch="' + pitch + '"' else: pitch = "" # Add the voice and other tags along with prosody ssml += '<voice name="' + short_name + '">' ssml += '<mstts:silence type="comma-exact" value="10ms"/>' ssml += '<mstts:silence type="Tailing-exact" value="0ms"/>' ssml += '<mstts:silence type="Sentenceboundary-exact" value="5ms"/>' ssml += '<mstts:silence type="Leading-exact" value="0ms"/>' # Add the express-as tag if style and styledegree are specified if style and styledegree: ssml += '<mstts:express-as style="' + style + '" styledegree="' + styledegree + '">' if pitch or rate: rate_value = rate if rate else "" ssml += "<prosody" + pitch + ' rate="' + rate_value + '">' if emphasis: ssml += '<emphasis level="' + emphasis + '">' ssml += text # Close the tags if emphasis: ssml += "</emphasis>" if pitch or rate: ssml += "</prosody>" if style and styledegree: ssml += "</mstts:express-as>" ssml += "</voice>" # Close the voice and speak tags and return the SSML string ssml += "</speak>" return ssml @classmethod def _phrases_to_ssml(cls, phrases: list[Phrase]) -> str: """ Creates a more advanced SSML string from the specified list of `Phrase` instances, that customizes the emphasis, style, pitch, and rate of speech on a sub-sentence level, including pitch contouring between phrases. Calls the 'jit_phrases_to_ssml' method to speed up the process using Numba. Args: phrases (list[Phrase]): Instances of class `Phrase` that contain data that can be converted into speech. Returns: str: The SSML string. """ texts, short_names, pitches, rates, styles, styledegrees, emphases = zip(*[ ( phrase.text, phrase.voice.short_name, phrase.pitch, phrase.rate,, phrase.styledegree, phrase.emphasis, ) for phrase in phrases ]) return cls._jit_phrases_to_ssml(texts, short_names, pitches, rates, styles, styledegrees, emphases)