from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from azure.cognitiveservices.speech import SynthesisVoiceGender
class AzureNeuralVoiceProfile:
A dataclass representing an Azure Neural Voice profile for speech synthesis.
country (str): The country where the voice is commonly used.
description (str): A brief description of the voice profile.
gender (SynthesisVoiceGender): The gender of the voice.
language (str): The language of the voice.
locale (str): The name of the language's locale (i.e., language-country[-region]).
name (str): The name of the voice profile.
region (str): The region where the voice is available or commonly used.
short_name (str): The voice identifier used by Azure Text-to-Speech API.
style_list (list[str]): The available styles (i.e., tones/emotions) for the voice.
country: str
description: str
gender: SynthesisVoiceGender
language: str
locale: str
name: str
short_name: str
style_list: list[str]
region: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self):
if len(self.style_list) == 1 and not self.style_list[0].strip():
self.style_list = []
def __str__(self):
styles = f"{', '.join(self.style_list)}" if self.style_list else "None"
return (
f"Azure Neural Voice Profile - {}:\n"
f"Locale: {self.locale}\n"
f"Gender: {}\n"
f"Styles: {styles}"
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"AzureNeuralVoice(country={!r}, description={self.description!r}, "
f"gender={self.gender!r}, language={self.language!r}, "
f"locale={self.locale!r}, name={!r}, region={self.region!r}, "
f"short_name={self.short_name!r}, style_list={self.style_list!r})"