Source code for banterbot.models.number

import math
from typing import Union

from typing_extensions import Self

[docs] class Number: """ An object that contains an integer, float, or complex value. This class is meant to be used as a wrapper around a number, allowing it to be passed by reference instead of by value. """ def __init__(self, value: int): """ Initializes the current instance with a value. """ self.set(value=value)
[docs] def is_null(self) -> None: """ Returns whether or not the current instance is null. """ return self.value is None
[docs] def set(self, value) -> None: """ Sets the value of the current instance. """ if value is None or isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value = value else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type for class `{self.__class__.__name__}`: '{type(value).__name__}'")
def __call__(self) -> int: """ Returns the value of the current instance. Returns: int: The value of the current instance. """ return self.value def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the current instance. Returns: str: The string representation of the current instance. """ return str(self.value) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the current instance. Returns: str: The string representation of the current instance. """ return str(self.value) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """ Returns the truthiness of the current instance. Returns: bool: The truthiness of the current instance. """ return bool(self.value) def __int__(self) -> int: """ Returns the value of the current instance as an int. Returns: int: The value of the current instance. """ return int(self.value) def __float__(self) -> float: """ Returns the value of the current instance as a float. Returns: float: The value of the current instance. """ return float(self.value) def __complex__(self) -> complex: """ Returns the value of the current instance as a complex number. Returns: complex: The value of the current instance. """ return complex(self.value) def __add__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Adds the value of the current instance to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to add to the current instance. Returns: Union[float, Self]: The result of adding the value to the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value + value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value + value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __radd__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Adds the value of the current instance to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to add to the current instance. Returns: Self: The result of adding the value to the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value + self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value + self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __iadd__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Adds a value to the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to add to the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value += value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value += value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __sub__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Subtracts a value from the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to subtract from the current instance. Returns: Union[float, Self]: The result of subtracting the value from the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value - value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value - value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rsub__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Subtracts the value of the current instance from another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value the current instance will be subtracted from. Returns: Self: The result of subing the value to the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value - self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value - self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __isub__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Subtracts a value from the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to sub to the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value -= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value -= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __mul__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Multiplies the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to multiply the current instance by. Returns: Self: The result of multiplying the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value * value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value * value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rmul__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Multiplies another value by the value of the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value that will be multiplied the current instance. Returns: Self: The result of multiplying the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value * self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value * self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __imul__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Multiplies the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to multiply the current instance by. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value *= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value *= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __truediv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Divides the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to divide the current instance by. Returns: Self: The result of dividing the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value / value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value / value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rtruediv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Divides another value by the value of the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value that will be divided by the current instance's value. Returns: Self: The result of dividing the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value / self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value / self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __itruediv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Divides the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to divide the current instance by. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value /= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value /= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __floordiv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Floors the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to floor the current instance by. Returns: Self: The result of flooring the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value // value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value // value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rfloordiv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Floors another value by the value of the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value that will be floored by the current instance's value. Returns: Self: The result of flooring the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value // self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value // self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __ifloordiv__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Floors the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to floor the current instance by. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value //= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value //= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for //=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __mod__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Modulos the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to modulo the current instance by. Returns: Self: The result of moduloing the current instance's value by the input value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value % value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value % value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rmod__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Modulos another value by the value of the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value that will be moduloed by the current instance's value. Returns: Self: The result of moduloing the input value by the current instance's value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value % self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value % self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __imod__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Modulos the value of the current instance by another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to modulo the current instance by. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value %= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value %= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for %=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __pow__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Raises the value of the current instance to the power of another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to raise the current instance to the power of. Returns: Self: The result of raising the value to the power of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.value**value.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(self.value**value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __rpow__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> Self: """ Raises another value to the power of the value of the current instance. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value that will be raised to the power of the current instance. Returns: Self: The result of raising the value to the power of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: '{type(value).__name__}' and `Nonetype`") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.__class__(value.value**self.value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.__class__(value**self.value) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: '{type(value).__name__}' and '{self.__class__.__name__}'" ) def __ipow__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> None: """ Raises the value of the current instance to the power of another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to raise the current instance to the power of. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.value **= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): self.value **= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __abs__(self) -> Self: """ Returns the absolute value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The absolute value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for abs(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(abs(self.value)) def __neg__(self) -> Self: """ Returns the negative value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The negative value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for __neg__(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(-self.value) def __pos__(self) -> Self: """ Returns the positive value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The positive value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for __pos__(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(+self.value) def __invert__(self) -> Self: """ Returns the inverted value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The inverted value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for ~: 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(~self.value) def __round__(self, n: int = 0) -> Self: """ Rounds the value of the current instance. Args: n (int): The number of decimal places to round to. Returns: Self: The rounded value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for round(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(round(self.value, n)) def __floor__(self) -> Self: """ Floors the value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The floored value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for __floor__(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(math.floor(self.value)) def __ceil__(self) -> Self: """ Ceils the value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The ceiled value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for __ceil__(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(math.ceil(self.value)) def __trunc__(self) -> Self: """ Truncs the value of the current instance. Returns: Self: The truncted value of the current instance. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for __trunc__(): 'Nonetype'") return self.__class__(math.trunc(self.value)) def __lt__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is less than another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is less than the other value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value < value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value < value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __le__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is less than or equal to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is less than or equal to the other value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <=: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value <= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value <= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __eq__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is equal to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is equal to the other value. """ if isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value == value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value == value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for ==: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __ne__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is not equal to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is not equal to the other value. """ if isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value != value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value != value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for !=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __gt__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is greater than another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is greater than the other value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value > value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value > value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __ge__(self, value: Union[int, float, complex, Self]) -> bool: """ Checks if the value of the current instance is greater than or equal to another value. Args: value (Union[int, float, complex, Self]): The value to compare the current instance to. Returns: bool: Whether or not the value of the current instance is greater than or equal to the other value. """ if self.value is None: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >=: 'Nonetype' and '{type(value).__name__}'") elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): return self.value >= value.value elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return self.value >= value else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >=: '{self.__class__.__name__}' and '{type(value).__name__}'" ) def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Returns the hash of the current instance. Returns: int: The hash of the current instance. """ return hash(self.value) def __index__(self) -> int: """ Returns the current instance for indexing. Returns: int: The value of the current instance. """ return self.value