Source code for banterbot.models.speech_recognition_input
import datetime
import json
from typing import Iterator, Optional
import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
import numba as nb
from typing_extensions import Self
from import SpaCyLangModel
from banterbot.models.word import Word
from banterbot.types.wordjson import WordJSON
from banterbot.utils.nlp import NLP
class SpeechRecognitionInput:
A class that encapsulates the speech-to-text output data.
def from_recognition_result(
cls, recognition_result: speechsdk.SpeechRecognitionResult, language: Optional[str] = None
) -> Self:
Constructor for the `SpeechRecognitionInput` class. Designed to create lightweight instances with most
attributes initially set to None. Computation-intensive operations are performed on-demand when respective
properties are accessed, instead of during initialization.
recognition_result (speechsdk.SpeechRecognitionResult): The result from a speech recognition event.
language (str, optional): The language used during the speech-to-text recognition, if not auto-detected.
data = json.loads(recognition_result.json)
language = language if language is not None else cls._extract_language(recognition_result=recognition_result)
return cls(data=data, language=language)
def _extract_language(cls, recognition_result: speechsdk.SpeechRecognitionResult) -> Optional[str]:
If the language is not provided (as it should be if auto-detection is disabled) then extract the auto-detected
language as a string. Return None if the process fails.
recognition_result (speechsdk.SpeechRecognitionResult): The result from a speech recognition event.
str, optional: The auto-detected language from the speech-to-text output.
language_key = speechsdk.PropertyId.SpeechServiceConnection_AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult
language = None
if language_key in
language =[language_key]
return language
def __init__(
data: dict,
language: str,
offset: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
duration: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
offset_end: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
sents: Optional[tuple[str, ...]] = None,
words: Optional[list[Word]] = None,
display: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
Constructor for the `SpeechRecognitionInput` class. Designed to create lightweight instances with most
attributes initially set to None unless provided explicitly on initialization. Computation-intensive operations
are instead performed lazily: i.e., when respective properties are accessed.
data (speechsdk.SpeechRecognitionResult): The JSON data output from a speech recognition event.
language (str): The language used during the speech-to-text recognition.
offset (optional, datetime.timedelta): The number of milliseconds between recognition start and the output.
duration (optional, datetime.timedelta): The duration of the output in milliseconds.
sents (optional, tuple[str, ...]): The split sentences of the output as a tuple.
words (optional, list[Word]): A list of words from the output.
display (optional, str): The display form of the output.
self._data = data
self._language = language
self._offset = offset
self._duration = duration
self._offset_end = offset_end
self._sents = sents
self._words = words
self._display = display
def _get_words(
input_words: list[str], input_tokens: list[str], indices: list[int], offsets: list[int], cutoff: int
) -> tuple[int, int]:
Private method that extracts the words from the input text that are within a cutoff interval of the recognized
speech. This is used to determine the words that were spoken during a specific interval of the audio stream.
Uses Numba to speed up the process.
input_words (list[str]): The words in the input text.
input_tokens (list[str]): The tokens in the input text.
indices (list[int]): The indices of the tokens in the input text.
offsets (list[int]): The offsets of the words in the input text.
cutoff (int): The cutoff interval in microseconds.
tuple[int, int]: The index of the first word in the cutoff interval and the index of the last word in the
cutoff interval.
word_idx = 0
display_idx = 0
for token_word, index in zip(input_tokens, indices):
for display_word, offset in zip(input_words[word_idx:], offsets[word_idx:]):
if token_word == display_word and offset <= cutoff:
word_idx += 1
display_idx = index + len(token_word)
return word_idx, display_idx
def from_cutoff(self, cutoff: datetime.timedelta) -> Self:
Create a new instance of class `SpeechRecognitionInput` that only contains the text spoken within a cutoff
cutoff (datetime.timedelta): The upper cutoff time (or duration) of the new instance.
SpeechRecognitionInput: The new instance of `SpeechRecognitionInput`.
doc = NLP.model(SpaCyLangModel.EN_CORE_WEB_SM)(self.display)
input_words = [word.text for word in self.words]
input_tokens = [token.text.lower() for token in doc]
indices = [token.idx for token in doc]
offsets = [word.offset.microseconds for word in self.words]
cutoff = cutoff.microseconds
word_idx, display_idx = self._get_words(
input_words=input_words, input_tokens=input_tokens, indices=indices, offsets=offsets, cutoff=cutoff
if word_idx:
duration = sum((i.duration for i in self.words[:word_idx]), datetime.timedelta())
data = {
"Offset": self._data["Offset"],
"Duration": duration,
"NBest": [
"Display": self._data["NBest"][0]["Display"][:display_idx],
"Words": self._data["NBest"][0]["Words"][:word_idx],
return self.__class__(
return None
def _extract_words(self, words_raw: list[WordJSON]) -> list[Word]:
Private method that extracts `Word` objects from raw data.
words_raw (list[WordJSON]): A list of dictionaries containing raw word data.
list[Word]: A list of `Word` objects.
words = []
for word in words_raw:
offset=datetime.timedelta(microseconds=word["Offset"] / 10),
duration=datetime.timedelta(microseconds=word["Duration"] / 10),
return words
def words(self) -> list[Word]:
A getter property that returns a list of Word objects. If the list is not already computed, it triggers
list[str]: A list of words.
if self._words is None:
self._words = self._extract_words(words_raw=self._data["NBest"][0]["Words"])
return self._words
def sents(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
A getter property that returns a list of sentences. If the list is not already computed, it triggers
list[str]: A list of sentences.
if self._sents is None:
self._sents = NLP.segment_sentences(string=self.display, whitespace=True)
return self._sents
def offset(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
A getter property that returns the offset of the recognized speech in the audio stream.
datetime.timedelta: The offset in the form of a datetime.timedelta object.
if self._offset is None:
self._offset = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=self._data["Offset"] / 10)
return self._offset
def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
A getter property that returns the duration of the recognized speech in the audio stream.
datetime.timedelta: The duration in the form of a datetime.timedelta object.
if self._duration is None:
self._duration = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=self._data["Duration"] / 10)
return self._duration
def offset_end(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
A getter property that returns the offset + duration of the recognized speech in the audio stream.
datetime.timedelta: The duration + offset in the form of a datetime.timedelta object.
if self._offset_end is None:
self._offset_end = self.offset + self.duration
return self._offset_end
def display(self) -> str:
A getter property that returns the display form of the recognized speech. The display form is fully processed
with Inverse Text Normalization (ITN), Capitalization, Disfluency Removal, and Punctuation.
str: The display form of the speech.
if self._display is None:
self._display = self._data["NBest"][0]["Display"]
return self._display
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Word:
Overloads the indexing operator to retrieve words at specific positions.
idx (int): The index of the word to retrieve.
Word: The word at the specified index.
return self.words[idx]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Word]:
Overloads the iterator to allow for iteration over the `Word` objects in the output.
Word: The next Word object in the output.
for word in self.words:
yield word
def __len__(self) -> int:
Overloads the len() operator to return the number of words in the output.
int: The number of words in the output.
return len(self.words)
def __str__(self) -> str:
Overloads the str() operator to return the fully processed speech-to-text output. The processing includes
Inverse Text Normalization (ITN), Capitalization, Disfluency Removal, and Punctuation.
str: The fully processed string representation of the speech-to-text output.
return self.display