Source code for

import datetime
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
from import Generator
from typing import Optional

import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
import numba as nb
from azure.cognitiveservices.speech import SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat

from import EnvVar
from banterbot.handlers.speech_synthesis_handler import SpeechSynthesisHandler
from banterbot.models.phrase import Phrase
from banterbot.models.word import Word
from banterbot.utils.closeable_queue import CloseableQueue

[docs] class SpeechSynthesisService: """ The `SpeechSynthesisService` class provides an interface to convert text into speech using Azure's Cognitive Services. It supports various output formats, voices, and speaking styles. The synthesized speech can be interrupted, and the progress can be monitored in real-time. """ # Create a lock that prevents race conditions when synthesizing speech _synthesis_lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def __init__( self, output_format: SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat = SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat.Audio16Khz32KBitRateMonoMp3, ) -> None: """ Initializes an instance of the `SpeechSynthesisService` class with a specified output format. Args: output_format (SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat, optional): The desired output format for the synthesized speech. Default is Audio16Khz32KBitRateMonoMp3. """ # Initialize the output format self._output_format = output_format # Initialize the speech synthesizer with the specified output format self._init_synthesizer(output_format=self._output_format) # Initialize the queue for storing the words as they are synthesized self._queue = CloseableQueue() # The iterable that is currently being iterated over self._iterable: Optional[SpeechSynthesisHandler] = None # The latest interruption time. self._interrupt = 0
[docs] def interrupt(self) -> None: """ Interrupts the current speech synthesis process. Args: kill (bool): Whether the interruption should kill the queues or not. """ self._interrupt = time.perf_counter_ns() self._queue.close() # Closing the connection to the speech synthesizer. self._connection.close() # Reinitialize the speech synthesizer with the default output format self._init_synthesizer(output_format=self._output_format) logging.debug(f"SpeechSynthesisService Interrupted")
[docs] def synthesize(self, phrases: list[Phrase], init_time: Optional[int] = None) -> Generator[Word, None, None]: """ Synthesizes the given phrases into speech and returns a handler for the stream of synthesized words. Args: phrases (list[Phrase]): The input phrases that are to be converted into speech. init_time (Optional[int]): The time at which the synthesis was initialized. Returns: StreamHandler: A handler for the stream of synthesized words. """ # Record the time at which the synthesis was initialized pre-lock, in order to account for future interruptions. init_time = time.perf_counter_ns() if init_time is None else init_time with self.__class__._synthesis_lock: if self._interrupt >= init_time: return tuple() else: self._queue.reset() self._iterable = SpeechSynthesisHandler( phrases=phrases, synthesizer=self._synthesizer, queue=self._queue ) for i in self._iterable: yield i
def _init_synthesizer(self, output_format: SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat) -> None: """ Initializes the speech synthesizer. """ logging.debug(f"SpeechSynthesisService initialized") # Initialize the speech configuration with the Azure subscription and region self._speech_config = speechsdk.SpeechConfig( subscription=os.environ.get(EnvVar.AZURE_SPEECH_KEY.value), region=os.environ.get(EnvVar.AZURE_SPEECH_REGION.value), ) # Initialize the speech synthesizer with the speech configuration self._synthesizer = speechsdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speech_config=self._speech_config) # Set the speech synthesis output format to the specified output format self._speech_config.set_speech_synthesis_output_format(output_format) # Connect the speech synthesizer events to their corresponding callbacks self._callbacks_connect() # Creating a new instance of Connection class self._connection = speechsdk.Connection.from_speech_synthesizer(self._synthesizer) # Preconnecting the speech synthesizer for reduced latency def _callback_completed(self, event: speechsdk.SessionEventArgs) -> None: """ Callback function for synthesis completed event. Signals that the synthesis process has been stopped/canceled. Args: event (speechsdk.SessionEventArgs): Event arguments containing information about the synthesis completed. """ logging.debug("SpeechSynthesisService disconnected") self._queue.close() def _callback_started(self, event: speechsdk.SessionEventArgs) -> None: """ Callback function for synthesis started event. Signals that the synthesis process has started. Args: event (speechsdk.SessionEventArgs): Event arguments containing information about the synthesis started. """ logging.debug("SpeechSynthesisService connected") self._synthesis_start = time.perf_counter_ns() @staticmethod @nb.njit(cache=True) def _calculate_offset( start_synthesis_time: float, audio_offset: float, total_seconds: float, word_length: int ) -> float: """ Calculates the offset of the word in the stream. Args: start_synthesis_time (float): The time at which the synthesis started. audio_offset (float): The audio offset of the word. total_seconds (float): The total seconds of the word. word_length (int): The length of the word. Returns: float: The offset of the word in the stream. """ return start_synthesis_time + 100 * audio_offset + 1e9 * total_seconds / word_length def _callback_word_boundary(self, event: speechsdk.SessionEventArgs) -> None: """ Callback function for word boundary event. Signals that a word boundary has been reached and provides the word and timing information. Args: event (speechsdk.SessionEventArgs): Event arguments containing information about the word boundary. """ # Check if the event is still active based on the result_id. time = self._calculate_offset( start_synthesis_time=self._synthesis_start, audio_offset=event.audio_offset, total_seconds=event.duration.total_seconds(), word_length=event.word_length, ) data = { "time": time, "word": Word( text=( event.text if event.boundary_type == speechsdk.SpeechSynthesisBoundaryType.Punctuation else " " + event.text ), offset=datetime.timedelta(microseconds=event.audio_offset / 10), duration=event.duration, ), } self._queue.put(data) def _callbacks_connect(self): """ Connect the synthesis events to their corresponding callback methods. """ self._synthesizer.synthesis_started.connect(self._callback_started) self._synthesizer.synthesis_word_boundary.connect(self._callback_word_boundary) self._synthesizer.synthesis_canceled.connect(self._callback_completed) self._synthesizer.synthesis_completed.connect(self._callback_completed)